Monday, July 5, 2010


back again
after a short break....
to tell something ....

as i've told you before once, lOvE is the most wOndErfUl fEElIng on earth....
eventhogh you don't feel it your self, if the person next to you is deeply in lOvE with someONE, doesn't accept it and tends to make decisions with the hEArt (Un)UsUAlly,
I'm sure it will make you feel what a wOndErfUl fEEling lOvE is and
how (Un)UsUAl....
feelings could be.....

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


what do you think of people who pretend stuff?
what I can't understand is why do people who are supposed to be OPEN start pretending.....
this is a messege I got from a friend of mine...
          never break 4 things in your life,,,
          becoz,when they break, they don't make a sound
          hurts a lot.....

Monday, June 28, 2010


love is the most wonderful and at the same time may be the worst feeling you can experience on earth.
"all it matters is the way you understand the feelings" someone told me...
but it is hard to make sure wether they themselves have understood the true meaning of LOVE.....